Eritrea Tyrant's Bologna Festival: BIGTIME FIASCO! 04 July 2014
Bologna, Italy, July 4, 2014- The much advertized Eritrea tyrant's Bologna Festival turned our to be, inarguably, A BIGTIME FIASCO!
Instead of the tyrant's propaganda media,, expectation of 15 thousand participants( see image below), there showed up only barely 1000 participants, mainly elderly men, women, and children, local radio station reported (read below)! Moreover, as announced the city of Bologna boycotted the event. The event opened today under heavy private security protection including large number of local police units. Moreover, the event was off limits to Italians including Journalists!
The major protest demo against what the Italian media, rightly so, are calling a Festal 'Showcase of dictator, advetizing dictatorship' is going to take place tomorrow, 5 July 2014, at Piazza Maggiore where Eritreans and friends from all over the world will be participating to express their protest, rightly so again, against Eritrea tyrant and his lackey dancing on fresh graveyards of Eritrea tyrant's victims murdered en masse in Lampedusa 3 October 2013.
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