Eritrea Tyrant versus Eritrean Catholic Bishops & The Vatican! 14 June 2014
Eritrean Catholic bishops: The situation of the people and country of Eritrea under the tyrannical grip of Eritrea tyrant Isas Afareki is desolate: Listen a quintessence here Tigrigna:
In response, Eritrea tyrant pulls his patented Modus Operandi: If you can't beat the message, attack the messenger aka character assassination tactic thanks to Niccolo Machiavelli , lame and lazy tactic the tyrant uses in instances where he can't beat, refute, or negate an argument in order to blur the truth and blunt its devastating effects!
Either way, the tyrant can call the bishops all he wants including CIA agents and Vatican puppets all day and all night but it won't refute, negate, beat, or change the fact of the matter: The situation in Eritrea is desolate calling for immediate redemption or intervention one way or the other sooner than later!
Eritrea tyrant is waging his campaign of character assassination via his surrogate lackeys at home and abroad. Here is a report in Tigrigna language of Radio Erena on this matter: