Roadmap To Eritrea Tyrant's Capitulation To UN Sanctions Demands

20 May 2017

April was the month Eritrea tyrant & Co.were hoping against hope that the UN Chapter VII Sanctions on Eritrea tyrant would be reviewed. Now April came and went, so did the midterm update of the Somalia, Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG), but Eritrea tyrant remains under firm UN Sanction.

Earlier than expected (30 April 2017), the SEMG delivered its midterm update on Friday, 21 April 2017, as announced by the Chair of the Security Council Somalia Eritrea Sanctions Committee during his 13 April Briefing. In a closed pm meeting on 21 April 2017  the Security Council heard and discussed the said midterm update of the SEMG as presented by the  Coordinator of the SEMG, took note of it and moved on quietly agreeing to consult again on 17 May 17 in a closed session with the purpose of discussing a roadmap that would lead to modifying or ending the Chapter VII UN sanction imposed on Eritrea tyrant and adjourned until the next and annual report of the SEMG in November for a routine assessment of Eritrea tyrant's compliance(meaning capitulation to demands of the Sanctions) or non-compliance (wallowing in Chapter VII UN Sanctions). With that Eritrea tyrant finds himself between capitulation and wallowing in firm UN sanctions: Damned either way!

Below is a roadmap, suggested by US ambassador Michele J. Sison, residing president of the Council then, consistent with the letter and spirit of UN Chapter VII Sanction but detrimental to Eritrea tyrant for it means capitulation, hence rejected on the spot by the tyrant's UN representative on 13 April 2017 open Security Council Session on the matter: