Eritrea Tyrant in Trouble! Qatar Emir's urgent blitz visit with Eritrea tyrant!  

19 December 2015

18 December, yesterday, is Qatar's National Day which is celebrated big time and lasts two days! Amidst this celebrations, the Emir of Qatar saw himself compelled to interrupt the celebrations and go for a blitz visit with  Eritrea tyrant in order to call the tyrant to duty! Yes, Eritrea tyrant has joined the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen and the Emir wanted to make sure the tyrant meets his obligations.

The Emir's vist lasted no longer than 3 hours before he joind his Nation in celebrating the National Day. Below is Qatar TV News report on the Emirs blitz visit in Arabic.

Next for Eritrea tyrant is Saudi Arabia where he has been
 summond by the King  for a two-day stay in Riydh starting tomorrow, Sunday, 20 December 2015.  There the agenda is to discuss and re-confirm the tyrant's allegiance to the said Saudi-Yemen Coalition. It smells like the case of a tyrant in trouble! Stay tuned.

Constitutional Governance Only Way Forward For Eritrea