Two Useful Belgian Morons Hail Barefaced Tyranny In Eritrea!
20 March 2013

On the planet Earth, it is all lost for Eritrea tyrant and tyranny in Eritrea. But not in the rest of the Universe!

There is no denying about it: There reigns barefaced tyranny in Eritrea even by the reigning tyrant's own admission. There is no denying about it too that Eritrea is the only country in Africa and the world that is not governed by any constitution, there is no parliament, elections, and no University 22 years after national independence and counting!

There is no denying about it too that Tyranny is ultimate violence and terror against humanity.

Yet, here come two Belgian morons representing a kind of research group called 'Investigation Crew Belgium' hailing tyranny in Eritrea as kind of heaven on Earth,
sage und schreibe! That is what makes them moronic and oxymoronic! Not only that, the two have been in Eritrea filming a documentary to make their moronic case and to prove to the rest of us that there is no dictatorship in Eritrea, it is all western media lies.

That is certainly music to the ears of Eritrea tyrant and his propaganda TV Station EriTv even if they don't believe a thing the Martians narrate but what the hell, Eritrea tyrant has always a spot for useful morons! That spot was appearance on EriTV's 'Open Mic' weekly magazine moderated by none other than Signor Rafael Guiseppe! Shocked? Don't be! He is not Italian, he is either an Italian who happens to be Eritrean or vice versa!

A two-part video tape of the oxymoronic presentation of the two Martian Belgians was released a couple of weeks ago that we converted into one below.

The one fundamental difference between us earthly humans and Martian Belgians is that we very much distinguish between a private property, private Estate and a Sovereign nation!  We are sovereign nation, we govern ourselves by our own laws and people we give expressed consent to run the business of governing our country for a limited term.

Back to the Martian Belgian clowns, here some notes: To Gregoire, democracy is when the government responds to the basic demands of the population. How so? Because a Bolivian Minister said so!
To the Yugoslavian-turned-French lady Vanessa, also a member of the 'Martian Belgians investigation crew', that there is no University in Eritrea is a lie because she has seen and documented not one but many universities in Eritrea!

The nearly 20 minutes TV presentation ended with the two expressing their wish to the people of Eritrea:
Gregoire, Eritrea is heaven on Earth, keep it up, never kneel down, don't give up or surrender!
Lady Vanessa will visit Eritrea pretty soon for an Eritrean Coffee! Enjoy!

Constitutional Governance Only Way Forward For Eritrea